We Have Moved
Visit our new blog at MichaelandSharon.com.
(If you like us enough, update your links!)
Our Photo gallery is still at MichaelandSharon.com/gallery/
Two kids who met at 14, married at 19, and skedaddled from California to Texas 10 years later. Join our mild adventures
as we recover from Californication and learn our way
around down south.
Please don't hesitate to drop us a line!
scmatthew at gmail dot com.
Visit our new blog at MichaelandSharon.com.
(If you like us enough, update your links!)
Our Photo gallery is still at MichaelandSharon.com/gallery/
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
4:00 PM
Dear Google,
I hope you can forgive me. We have such a history together. I have been a loyal supporter of yours for as long as you’ve been around. I use all of your products and apps, and I talk you up at parties, business meetings, and any other proper occasion that arises. I’m a proud shareholder. I’m personally responsible for inviting dozens of people to gmail and teaching them how to use it. I have set up Google Calendars for dozens of clients and friends. I only use your maps, your search engine, your RSS feeds, you get the idea. You are my home page, the first digital face I see each day. I’ve always said I love everything about you.
But there is just one thing about you that I can’t continue to love. And that is Blogger. I know Blogger is not your creation, but you do own it now, so you bear some responsibility. I met Blogger in 2005, and while our relationship used to be fun and new, I just couldn’t ignore that we’ve been growing apart over time.
And so, Blogger (c/o Google), I’m leaving you for WordPress. It’s not you, it’s me. We just have more in common. WordPress really understands me and how I work. I hope things won’t be weird between us now, and I hope you’ll still keep our old memories alive. It’s been … real.
Just your “friend”,
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
11:12 PM
I totally got in a fight this afternoon. And I totally did not start it.
Ok, so here's the premise. Ever since Michael took those stunning macro photos of His Frogness Prince Gilbert, I've been fascinated with taking close-up shots of living beings, especially insects. They're just beautiful.
I can't really explain this strange new obsession, but lately I've been prowling around outside looking for interesting insects to photograph, of which we have many. I won't post my pics all at once, because you might bug out. But I will have some to share with you.
Anyway, for the most part, the objects of my obsession are oblivious toward my amateur photography sessions, which is good. But they are often on the move, so it's sometimes very hard to get a good shot.
One such fella I'd been trying to photograph for a few days proved to be just such a challenge. I have no idea what the proper names of these insects are, but of course I give them their own names. So this guy is Scrappy Mac "Goldenbutt" Jones, and he's been hanging around my patio for quite some time.
Yesterday, I caught him napping in the sun, but when I got out the camera and got up close and personal, he took off. Totally chose "flight" over fight.
But today I saw him again. And today, he was ready for a fight.
Here is a close-up of Mr. Goldenbutt.You can see how beautiful his butt is. Well of course it is, it's made of gold.
So, very annoyed with my camera being in such close proximity, he whipped around and totally confronted me.And he was all, "What are you looking at, lady?" (He totally had a Jersey accent.)
And then he was all, "Put 'em up, put 'em up," and began doing some bizarre pre-fight dance, getting all up on his hind legs, then prancing back and forth, presumably to psyche himself out, since we're clearly in different weight divisions.
And I was all, "Oh excuse me, Mr. Goldenbutt, I just wanted a close up shot of the cool horns on your back." (Trying to intimidate him with my sarcasm).And then he's all, "BACK OFF WOMAN, OR ELSE."
And I'm all, "Or else what, tough guy?" He's not the only one who's scrappy. And then,
... suddenly, he was not in my viewfinder anymore. And I'm all, "Ha, I showed you, tiny insolent creature."
And then he was all "BAM" and totally jumped me.That's when I finally screamed and dropped the camera.
Then he's all, "Yeah, that's what I thought."
And he proudly strutted away.
Anyway, that was my Friday Afternoon Smackdown. Thought you might enjoy the play-by-play.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
5:50 PM
Well, we haven't lived here long enough to learn it all, but some of these are sure familiar. This is one of those beloved email forwards. So I was feeling particularly mischievous this morning and thought I would commit what could be considered the ultimate online sin ... POSTING an EMAIL FORWARD on my blog. Is this even allowed? Certainly this isn't worse than forwarding to everyone in your address book? (Which, by the way, I have never done, but I have sent a few things to a few people when appropriate).
No, I guess this is not worse. YOU came HERE.
Anyway, give me a few years and I'll make a list of my own. And then I'll forward it to you.
"Things I learned living in Texas"
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
8:38 AM
Labels: Texas
This morning, Michael went outside to water our miniature herb garden. When he tipped the can, nothing came out. "Hmmm, this is strange," he thought, knowing there was water inside.He tipped the can a little further, and what do you know, we found a new little backyard buddy!
Bear found out his name is Sir Gilbert Eugene Rohan III, the Frog Prince of Elgin. He kindly posed for some photos, but he was kind of snooty about the whole thing.
He was just a little too portly to fit through the hole, so even though Bear begged us to keep him, we gently released His Majesty Prince Gilbert, and bid him adieu with a bow and a curtsey. Good morrow and farewell, Your Royal Frogness.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
9:22 AM
Labels: Fun Stuff
... I'm just saying ... if Archie let his brows go wild ...
Maybe he should have performed this song to win, a true classic!
And since I'm now watching retro Sesame Street videos online instead of working, I thought you might appreciate the following gem as well. Ah, who could forget John-John? (If you were born in the late 70's...)
00:15 "Why you lost your paper cwips?" ...
00:47 "You angwy?"
Not after watching this clip :)
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
2:25 PM
Labels: Fun Stuff
Looks like Bear's pool is the talk of the town 'round here ... Until we get our fencing in, I guess we can expect regular visitors! Can you charge a dog admission?
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
2:22 PM
While eating outside during our lunch break this afternoon we suddenly heard a small voice speaking in a working-class British accent. You can imagine our surprise when we noticed the Geico Gecko watching us eat. He told us 15 minutes could save us 15% or more on our car insurance. Who knew?Turns out he's taken up residence in a new palm tree we had sitting out on the deck. Check out photos from the paparazzi photo shoot that followed our introduction. It's not often you have a celebrity reptile in your own backyard!
Ok, ok, maybe he's just a green lizard, I'm not actually sure. But anyway, Bear named him Leroy and we already like him much better than Bear's last new friend.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
4:54 PM
Labels: Fun Stuff
Anna is getting better and will hopefully be released from the hospital tomorrow. She is suffering from a host of very serious infections, and has been ill for quite some time (as in years) but we are hopeful for some answers soon and maybe permanent recovery (is that even a real phrase? I'm not familiar ...).
As sadly ironic as it is, my other sister is suffering greatly right now as well, and has been, though you might not know as we chronically challenged individuals are very good at disguising things. She is undergoing serious testing and is so far baffling her doctors. Please pray/think of her well-being as well.
My entire family is like one ongoing episode of House, only with no commercial interruption. If you would like to sponsor our show, we currently have a few slots available during prime time.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
1:05 PM
Labels: Family
My little sis' is in the hospital, she is very sick. For anyone who may have stopped by today, I ask for your prayers for her. And if prayer is not your thing, please send her your warm thoughts and healing wishes. Thank you.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
11:20 AM
Labels: Family
Internet, we have a problem. You see, there is this bird. And he is mocking us. Taunting us. Daily. Constantly. Without ceasing. Am I making myself clear?
Actually, there have been two birds. For whom the phrase "bird brain" was certainly invented. When we first moved into this house, a red cardinal made himself our most unwelcome one-bird welcoming committee. He became obsessed with his reflection in our front window, and began hurling himself at it over and over. We read about this phenomenon online, and decided to try a few ideas to solve the problem.First, we cut out a picture of an owl and placed it in the window. They are supposed to be intimidated by owls as they are considered a predator. Our own Mocking Birds, however, appear to love the life of danger.
You have to understand this problem is worse than it might seem, which would explain why we quickly developed some violent tendencies. See, our next tactic in trying to dissuade the dang bird was developing what we like to call the "torture strip of death". Michael cut out a strip of cardboard in the shape of the window ledge, and poked about 100 4" long nails through it --- thus turning the simple ledge into the now patented Torture Strip of Death. It worked! Not having a place to stand, the red cardinal never returned (he didn't die, though, as far as we know, which is good - we really aren't morbid, we just wanted to consider him dead to us, you know, like we could pretend we never knew him, even if we later met and accidentally made eye contact in public).
Our triumph was short-lived, though, as soon, a long-legged blue bird took his place. He couldn't care less about the pokey perch, as he was tall enough to just stand between the nails while resting in between short kamikaze flights.
We simply can't get him to go away. Even though Bear considers him a friend, he is very likely to send us right over the cuckoo's nest. Just listen to that little video over and over, and over and over, and at full volume (keeping in mind this is a day when he probably had taken some Prozac), and try to get some work done while you're at it. Do this daily, then repeat. I guarantee you after just five minutes, one eye will start twitching uncontrollably, you may notice some smoke coming out of your ears, and you will certainly be swearing a little under your breath, even if your vocabulary is usually as clean as a re-run on Nickelodeon. If he could at least keep a steady beat, I could make up a little tune to go along with it, or better yet - I could start practicing my secretly desired skill of beatboxing.
So what to do? We need help, Internet. We don't necessarily want to kill the little wackos, even though I do admit to stalking them with a BB gun for a week, until we decided that probably wasn't the best way to introduce ourselves to the neighbors, you know, becoming known as those "crazy young kids who hide behind the columns on their front patio exercising their right to bear arms in the middle of the day, occasionally aiming for their own front windows while smoke is streaming from their ears and profanities streaming from their mouths."
Hide your chil'ren, y'all.
Moreover, I realized that even if I were to succeed and send that Little Bugger over the rainbow, another winged creature would soon take his place, trying to prove it is a Wild Thing! And, in general, I LOVE the Wild Things! This is what makes me crazy! I love all the rest of the little birdies who live in our yard. Their chirping and singing makes us feel like we are in the tropics, or living in an animated Disney film. I will whistle a cheerful tune as I build them their own luxury pool and spa (and outdoor bath!) and stock it with well-fed wiggly worms. I will gladly sponsor their children's fundraisers, or host a summer camp for feathered friends in my backyard. Hey, I already got my mom across the street a very nice bird feeder for Mother's Day (with enough "gourmet" bird seed included to feed multiple winged creatures). So, since I am technically supporting many other birds in the neighborhood, this should make up for my ill-will toward the Mocking Birds at my window, right?
There must be a way for us to all get along. So, Internet, we are open to suggestion, and willing to engage in (mild) torture if that's what it takes, as we ourselves have now been tortured daily for weeks. Simply flipping the bird the bird just doesn't seem to be working.
Ok, got to (peck peck) stop (peck) writing (peck peck peck peck) now (pa peck pa peck peck) as he is (peckpeckpeckpeck) ... wait, what the (PECK) was I just saying (peckity peck PECK)?
Hello, Cuckoo's Nest?
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
8:57 AM
Yee-haw! Michael's parents came out to visit us last week. They are our first official house guests (besides my sis) and were the first to test out the new pool. From what I hear, "Chez Matthew" hotel, spa and resort gets two thumbs up!
So it's true, the Matthews survived their week-long stay in, gulp, Texas, and you know what? They didn't hate it! Sure, it's not California (we are very aware of that, thank you very much), but I think where we live now is nicer than they expected (and certainly has less tumbleweeds, cactus, hay farms and cowboys, y'all).They arrived last Tuesday and we hung 'round the new pad here for a few days. We had lots of sun, but also lots of wind. Perfect weather for lounging, but not so much actual swimming. Although we all took a dip here and there. And watched Bear swim in his brand new pool.
Thursday night, my grandmother (mom's mom) arrived to spend some time with my parents. We had a Texas BBQ here in her honor. They took a trip to the Ladybird Wildflower Center in Austin; you can see their pics at my parents' gallery.Friday, we took the 'rents down to the big city of Austin. We walked around some downtown parks, exposed them to Central Market, then had dinner at our favorite beachy restaurant - the Hula Hut. Turns out Friday night is quite the party scene out there, so of course, we fit right in!
On Saturday, we drove northwest to Uncle Jaime and Aunt Debbie (Mike's sister)'s house in Gatesville. We got to see cousins Sarah and Charity, Alexis (now 4 months old!) and Charity's boyfriend Robert.
More Texas BBQ, and of course good times with Tio y Tia. Baby Alexis is doing great, and just as cute as ever.On Sunday, we got to video chat with Shawna and Baby Ayden back home in Cali. This was the first time Jaime & Debbie got to see the little sweetie - and I think Grammy & Grandpa (Colleen & Mike) were ecstatic to see him as well, as withdrawal symptoms had long overtaken them since their arrival!
Well, the week drew to a close on Monday as we drove through more hill country, and along Lake Travis back to Austin. We stopped for a bite to eat at The Oasis, which sits 400 feet above the lake. We didn't take any pictures though, shame on us.
Anyway, there is a quick update on our California visitors. We were so honored to have Michael's parents come and stay with us. Our home is all broken in now and we're getting the entertaining business down, so we are ready for YOU to come and visit whenever you like! See all y'all real soon!
Photos are at the gallery.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
1:07 PM
Somebody cannot wait to get his paws wet ...
Follow the Pool Progress at the Gallery.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
11:56 AM
Labels: Doggies
Ok, by request, here are some photos of the house. You have to remember that we will be tiling over the white vinyl floors, so just picture some lovely slate in its place.
We are so very comfortable here. We still can't believe this is all ours. Especially as we've watched the pool progress. For years we've dreamed of building a backyard paradise, with a pool and palm trees. Now it is coming to fruition and it's just too cool. We feel very fortunate, and in small ways we are seeing some rewards for our sacrifices.
The leaves on the trees have finally come in, so right now everything is vibrant and lush outside. It's a great time of year to be here!
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
12:22 PM
Labels: House
Read Flying the Friendly Skies 1
Michael and I sat across the aisle from one another on our flight into Sacramento. I was resting my eyes as we prepared to land when I heard the flight attendant say to Michael, “You look way too young to be married!” She had noticed his wedding ring.
“Oh, well how old do you have to be?” Michael replies.
“I don’t know, at least 25 or 26. How old are you?”
“Oh my gosh, you don’t look thirty at all!” Michael smiles, revealing the very dimples that often instigate comments like these.
“Guess how long we’ve been married?” I pipe in from across the aisle, thinking this will impress her even more.
She just laughs. Ha ha ha ha. I ask again, thinking maybe she didn’t hear me over the noise of the landing gear descending. More awkward laughter. I’m confused until I realize she thinks I am joking. Like, “Yeah right, sister, you wish.” Soon realizing her error, she stammers, “Oh, you two really are married!”
How embarrassing. So is it that I look way too old for Michael, or he looks way too young for me? I think I’ll try to look at it that way, like I snagged a hot younger guy, way to go me.
But then I realize it likely has nothing to do with age, but maybe appearance? Are we a mismatch? Or it could be the fact that we weren’t sitting right next to each other. Yes, that must be it. Except now, the friendly male flight attendant has joined in the conversation, and, much to my dismay, I soon realize where this is going.
“You know who you look like?” he gushes to Michael.“Ummm …”
“Leonardo DiCaprio!” he declares with vigor.
The she-attendant asks Michael to remove his sunglasses and hat so she can inspect this assertion. Of course, she concurs with he-attendant’s discovery and then it is 10 minutes of nervous giggles and admiration, as if it were Leo himself sitting there.I will admit, this is not the first time we’ve been through a similar situation. This happens quite often, although it was far more frequent in the faux-twins’ (Michael/Leo’s) younger days. When we were about 18 and Romeo and Juliet had just come out, Michael was a near dead-ringer for Romeo, and was regularly approached by giggling teens, and even asked for autographs. Oh, and then Titanic came out, and Michael may as well have been the King of the World.
But this was the first time all the attention made me feel a bit self-conscious. As if these stewards of the sky were secretly trying to hint to Michael (from behind the bulkhead wall that was only partially protecting them from my view), “Pssst, hey, you could be a MOVIE STAR, what are you doing with her?!!” Accompanied by raised eyebrows and a not-very-sly head tilt in my direction.
By this point, Michael was more embarrassed than I think I’ve ever seen him. And I had shrunk down in my seat a little as well. We barely escaped the plane with our dignity, practically running from the other passengers who had now joined in the revelry. We made it safely to the baggage claim area and sat down to wait for our luggage. About two minutes later, he- and she-attendants come walking our way, joined now by the pilots and another attendant. “Hey Leo!” They all shout across the crowded lobby, stars in their eyes. “Can I have your autograph?” Fits of laughter. “Oh my gosh, it’s Leonardo DiCaprio!”
Oh my gosh, mortification. Ah, well, such is life with a movie star by your side. Now, where is that limo to pick us up?
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
12:05 PM
Labels: M and S
Here's a shot of the pool from the music room upstairs. You can get a good feel for the layout, including the spa on the left rear side which will flow over into the pool, and a large "beach entry" on the right ... for adults on lounge chairs, or kids (ahem, like little nephews, hint hint).We're scheduled to be swimming by the end of April, so if you'd like to join us, please feel free!
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
2:56 PM
Labels: House
Just can't get enough of our new nephew. He is the most adorable thing ever. Eating, pooping and peeing like a champ! (Just like his dad.)
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
6:14 PM
Labels: Family
So there is a very wonderful reason we are not at our new house right now. Michael's sister Shawna delivered the first baby in our immediate family - Ayden Raymond Smith.
He is (of course!) just gorgeous and perfect. He was born March 4 at 4:58 am. He is 8 pounds 10 oz, and 22 inches long. (Ouch!)
We've set Shane and Shawna up with their own gallery (by set up I mean forced on them). You can view all their pictures here.
Welcome to the world Ayden. We love you!!
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
12:19 PM
Labels: Family
I am that girl. She who makes promises then doesn’t deliver. I dislike that girl. What’s even worse than me not blogging the way I should is the fact that MichaelandSharon.com was actually down for 5 whole days. So, an apology to my three readers (up 50 percent!) if you were checking for updates on the move. But needless to say, we were busy moving, and not busy blogging. Plus, our website is actually hosted from our house, so when the server was in transit and disconnected, so was the site.
But anyway, we are all moved in to the new house! By moved in, I mean our stuff is physically moved out of the Del Valle (ghetto) house and into the new (beautiful) Elgin house. Just don’t ask me to find anything in the 3100 square foot expanse of space that makes our voices echo. We almost need Garmin Electra to get us around. So far, the only things I’m sure of are where our computers are, the coffee grinder and maker, my ice packs and meds, and Bear’s toys. Finding everything else is of little significance at the moment (in fact as I write this, we are 1600 miles away from all that unpacking ... more on that in a bit!).This week of moving and all the little details that go with it will certainly go down in the old memory book hall of fame. Our lovely friend Bob came out for a week to join in all the fun that moving entails. Fully appreciating our best friend’s strength and military-worthy work ethic, we may have over-estimated our joint abilities just a bit too much. Looking back now, I realize with regret and muscles so sore I can barely squat to pee, we should have hired help. “Two Guys and a Truck” is a catchy slogan for a local moving company, but it is really not reasonable and I don’t recommend trying it.
Michael and Bob (with major assistance from my mama and minor assistance from my dad and me and our retarded backs) moved all of our belongings, and some of my parents’. Earlier in the week they moved well over 4,000 pounds of slate tile, hung blinds in all 28 windows, and picked up my gargantuan new washer and dryer, among other chores.Part of our belongings Michael and Bob moved by themselves included my upright piano (approx weight: 479 pounds) and our 36” TV while inside the entertainment center (total weight approx 502 back-breaking pounds). Are you impressed with them yet or what? This includes going up and down the steep 10 foot ramp into the truck.
I was fully prepared to offer my piano a beautifully moving eulogy as I imagined laying her to rest after she shattered all over the driveway. But she emerged in all her lacquered glory, unscathed and ready to play (after a good tune-up, anyway).
You may have seen those “forearm forklifts” in the pictures (the bright orange straps they are wearing around their wrists). Those proved to be worth every cent of the $24.95 plus shipping and handling we spent on them. So I would recommend those for you the next time you move, but of course you will need more than one set as you will not have just Two Guys and a Truck.
-- Gallery Photos of the Move Here --
Baby Alexis - our beautiful goddaughter. We got to babysit on Sunday, what a treat!
I just love being her "fairy godmother"!
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
9:41 AM
Labels: Family
We finally see the finish line on our house. They've given us a walk-through date of Feb 18, with a "guestimated" move-in date of the 28th. I am very thankful we get an extra day before the end of the month as our lease is up the last day.Bobby - true to his loyal form - has decided to come help us move! He'll be staying with us the entire week. I'm so thankful for friends like him (for more reasons than just his muscles).
So nearing the ending on construction is kind of bittersweet in that I'm very excited to move in, get out of this neighborhood, spread out, have a pool put in, etc. But I'm dreading the work that lays ahead for us as well. More than just the moving, since we decided to do a lot of the finish work ourselves we have a mountain of tasks awaiting. Tile, paint, fixtures, landscaping, blinds etc ... all in good time.We have been very happy with the whole construction process though. Most people gave us dire prophecies of how terrible our experience was bound to be, that any and all contractors are untrustworthy, that we would likely near divorce for all the decisions and compromises that had to be made. But none of these predictions came true. In fact, it's been pretty painless. The only issue we are dealing with now is my inexplicable regret over half the decisions we made. I wish we had done this, or that, or not done this or that, etc. Poor Michael has to endure all of my inner monologues that somehow come spewing out of my mouth into aggravating outer monologues. A very big flaw of mine.
But anyway, we'll keep you up to date on the final stretch of this journey. And I'll try not to complain so much about this beautiful house we are being blessed with.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
9:30 AM
So my body has been on writer's strike pretty much since we got back from Maui. I apologize for the lack of posts, but seriously, I was being threatened on my way to cross the picket line, and was barely able to get those last few posts and pictures up there - what with all the boos and hissing.
Ok, I guess I'm just saying I haven't felt up to posting, and I hope you will forgive me.
Especially since it was my big birthday! I had planned to just let it pass by unnoticed, partly because I'm in denial about hitting 3 decades, but also 'cause I'm just not that into my birthday. Nevertheless, friends and family appeared from all over, and I had a wonderful week and felt very blessed.I'll explain how the week went. I got something in the mail just about every day. A card from the grandparents (thanks for the $$!). My candy bouquet from the girls. A card signed by many friends back home. A lollipop bouquet from Jess & Paul. A real bouquet from Michael & Bear. Then it was actually my birthday. We worked all day then Michael took me out for Sushi (the best in Austin!). By this point I had heard rumors of a video, but didn't know what to expect.
Then on Friday, I learned that it was U2 who had filmed me a wonderful video, in 3-D no less! What a kind gesture from my favorite band. We joined a few hundred others at the IMAX to enjoy it (I highly recommend you go see this show!).
On Saturday, we went out with my family here to celebrate at dinner. Mom and Dad gave me some $ (thank you!) and a few cool items you can check out when you come to visit. Anna got me a one-hour massage (I'm always talking about wanting massages, I just love it!).So after dinner, we came back to our humble abode for some birthday cake. That's when I finally got to watch The Video. Nothing could have prepared me for seeing all those sweet faces on my tv screen. I just can't even tell you how much I appreciated all the work that went into that. Especially from Jess for coordinating everyone, and Michael who edited it all together in the midst of a very busy week full of deadlines!
Thank you again!
The last event of the evening was Michael lugging in his gift for me. It was .... (drum roll) .... a MASSAGE TABLE. Like the kind you lay on when you get a massage. With the toilet-bowl-shaped headrest and everything. Only Michael would think of an idea like this! I'm always begging him to rub my back because I constantly have knots and muscle spasms from my unique brand of retardedness, and he's always willing to help a girl out, but it's uncomfortable for him to kneel by the bed or couch, and he doesn't really know what he's doing.
So he decided if we had a real place to do it, he would learn some techniques, and this would be his gift. Can you believe that? I just LOVE MY MAN. So last week we ordered a video on Netflix called "Massage Your Mate". Don't worry, nothing even remotely questionable about this video except for the high-tops, leg warmers, jazz music, and 80s hair. But he's learned a lot already, and I've already had a half dozen massages.
My birthday week didn't end after that. I still got another gift (massage-related!) from Jess & Paul in the mail, and a unique set of gifts that only crazy cousin Sarah could give (thanks for everything!).
Ok, so this post should catch you up on all the news about my birthday week. Now we once again return you to your regularly scheduled blogs.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
8:56 PM
Seriously, what can I say? There are many people out there who deserve such a wonderful keepsake as this (see the video Michael posted below), but I wouldn't consider myself to be one of them in a million years! What a huge surprise and honor. I managed to see over 40 of the people I love for my birthday, without having to travel from my living room. THANK YOU to everyone who took part! You are all so special to me and I will treasure this for a lifetime. I love you all.
... in order of appearance (in case you're curious, and and in case you watched all 20 minutes :)
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
9:32 AM
Ah, such a cold and dreary day it was on Friday. The doorbell rang and there were two large packages from UPS. I just left them there and told Michael to go get them, since all we ever get from UPS is office supplies and hardware.
But he said one was for me, and I opened it up to find this large and lovely yellow bouquet ... of flowers? No. CANDY! Much better! All my favorites. I love it so much I can't bear to break into it yet. I have it setting out so I can look at it and smile. I'll at least save it 'til after my birthday. Then I'm sure it will be love at first bite!
Thanks to my girls in California (Jenee, Summer, Stacey, Chrissy, Patty and Whitney & Jess) for sending me such a wonderful gift! It brightened my day and my week.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
8:36 AM
Labels: Fun Stuff
Fireworks are a BIG deal here in Texas. People go all out - in ways that are hugely illegal in CA. Fireworks are sold in huge warehouses or stands all along the highways. People do fireworks for birthdays, Christmas, 4th of July, and pretty much any other reason they can think of. It's hilarious.
This was our neighborhood last night at midnight. These are people's houses, not a fair or city event. People light these in their front yards. Which is probably why you hear the fire trucks almost immediately.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
10:56 AM
Bear liked his dad's new haircut so much he asked if we would give him a nice grooming for the New Year. This was on Sunday - yes we are wearing shorts and swimsuits - it was over 80 degrees outside and beautiful.
But not as beautiful as Bear.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
9:12 AM