We Have Moved
Visit our new blog at MichaelandSharon.com.
(If you like us enough, update your links!)
Our Photo gallery is still at MichaelandSharon.com/gallery/
Two kids who met at 14, married at 19, and skedaddled from California to Texas 10 years later. Join our mild adventures
as we recover from Californication and learn our way
around down south.
Please don't hesitate to drop us a line!
scmatthew at gmail dot com.
Visit our new blog at MichaelandSharon.com.
(If you like us enough, update your links!)
Our Photo gallery is still at MichaelandSharon.com/gallery/
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
4:00 PM
Dear Google,
I hope you can forgive me. We have such a history together. I have been a loyal supporter of yours for as long as you’ve been around. I use all of your products and apps, and I talk you up at parties, business meetings, and any other proper occasion that arises. I’m a proud shareholder. I’m personally responsible for inviting dozens of people to gmail and teaching them how to use it. I have set up Google Calendars for dozens of clients and friends. I only use your maps, your search engine, your RSS feeds, you get the idea. You are my home page, the first digital face I see each day. I’ve always said I love everything about you.
But there is just one thing about you that I can’t continue to love. And that is Blogger. I know Blogger is not your creation, but you do own it now, so you bear some responsibility. I met Blogger in 2005, and while our relationship used to be fun and new, I just couldn’t ignore that we’ve been growing apart over time.
And so, Blogger (c/o Google), I’m leaving you for WordPress. It’s not you, it’s me. We just have more in common. WordPress really understands me and how I work. I hope things won’t be weird between us now, and I hope you’ll still keep our old memories alive. It’s been … real.
Just your “friend”,
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
11:12 PM
I totally got in a fight this afternoon. And I totally did not start it.
Ok, so here's the premise. Ever since Michael took those stunning macro photos of His Frogness Prince Gilbert, I've been fascinated with taking close-up shots of living beings, especially insects. They're just beautiful.
I can't really explain this strange new obsession, but lately I've been prowling around outside looking for interesting insects to photograph, of which we have many. I won't post my pics all at once, because you might bug out. But I will have some to share with you.
Anyway, for the most part, the objects of my obsession are oblivious toward my amateur photography sessions, which is good. But they are often on the move, so it's sometimes very hard to get a good shot.
One such fella I'd been trying to photograph for a few days proved to be just such a challenge. I have no idea what the proper names of these insects are, but of course I give them their own names. So this guy is Scrappy Mac "Goldenbutt" Jones, and he's been hanging around my patio for quite some time.
Yesterday, I caught him napping in the sun, but when I got out the camera and got up close and personal, he took off. Totally chose "flight" over fight.
But today I saw him again. And today, he was ready for a fight.
Here is a close-up of Mr. Goldenbutt.You can see how beautiful his butt is. Well of course it is, it's made of gold.
So, very annoyed with my camera being in such close proximity, he whipped around and totally confronted me.And he was all, "What are you looking at, lady?" (He totally had a Jersey accent.)
And then he was all, "Put 'em up, put 'em up," and began doing some bizarre pre-fight dance, getting all up on his hind legs, then prancing back and forth, presumably to psyche himself out, since we're clearly in different weight divisions.
And I was all, "Oh excuse me, Mr. Goldenbutt, I just wanted a close up shot of the cool horns on your back." (Trying to intimidate him with my sarcasm).And then he's all, "BACK OFF WOMAN, OR ELSE."
And I'm all, "Or else what, tough guy?" He's not the only one who's scrappy. And then,
... suddenly, he was not in my viewfinder anymore. And I'm all, "Ha, I showed you, tiny insolent creature."
And then he was all "BAM" and totally jumped me.That's when I finally screamed and dropped the camera.
Then he's all, "Yeah, that's what I thought."
And he proudly strutted away.
Anyway, that was my Friday Afternoon Smackdown. Thought you might enjoy the play-by-play.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
5:50 PM
Well, we haven't lived here long enough to learn it all, but some of these are sure familiar. This is one of those beloved email forwards. So I was feeling particularly mischievous this morning and thought I would commit what could be considered the ultimate online sin ... POSTING an EMAIL FORWARD on my blog. Is this even allowed? Certainly this isn't worse than forwarding to everyone in your address book? (Which, by the way, I have never done, but I have sent a few things to a few people when appropriate).
No, I guess this is not worse. YOU came HERE.
Anyway, give me a few years and I'll make a list of my own. And then I'll forward it to you.
"Things I learned living in Texas"
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
8:38 AM
Labels: Texas
This morning, Michael went outside to water our miniature herb garden. When he tipped the can, nothing came out. "Hmmm, this is strange," he thought, knowing there was water inside.He tipped the can a little further, and what do you know, we found a new little backyard buddy!
Bear found out his name is Sir Gilbert Eugene Rohan III, the Frog Prince of Elgin. He kindly posed for some photos, but he was kind of snooty about the whole thing.
He was just a little too portly to fit through the hole, so even though Bear begged us to keep him, we gently released His Majesty Prince Gilbert, and bid him adieu with a bow and a curtsey. Good morrow and farewell, Your Royal Frogness.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
9:22 AM
Labels: Fun Stuff
... I'm just saying ... if Archie let his brows go wild ...
Maybe he should have performed this song to win, a true classic!
And since I'm now watching retro Sesame Street videos online instead of working, I thought you might appreciate the following gem as well. Ah, who could forget John-John? (If you were born in the late 70's...)
00:15 "Why you lost your paper cwips?" ...
00:47 "You angwy?"
Not after watching this clip :)
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
2:25 PM
Labels: Fun Stuff
Looks like Bear's pool is the talk of the town 'round here ... Until we get our fencing in, I guess we can expect regular visitors! Can you charge a dog admission?
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
2:22 PM
While eating outside during our lunch break this afternoon we suddenly heard a small voice speaking in a working-class British accent. You can imagine our surprise when we noticed the Geico Gecko watching us eat. He told us 15 minutes could save us 15% or more on our car insurance. Who knew?Turns out he's taken up residence in a new palm tree we had sitting out on the deck. Check out photos from the paparazzi photo shoot that followed our introduction. It's not often you have a celebrity reptile in your own backyard!
Ok, ok, maybe he's just a green lizard, I'm not actually sure. But anyway, Bear named him Leroy and we already like him much better than Bear's last new friend.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
4:54 PM
Labels: Fun Stuff
Anna is getting better and will hopefully be released from the hospital tomorrow. She is suffering from a host of very serious infections, and has been ill for quite some time (as in years) but we are hopeful for some answers soon and maybe permanent recovery (is that even a real phrase? I'm not familiar ...).
As sadly ironic as it is, my other sister is suffering greatly right now as well, and has been, though you might not know as we chronically challenged individuals are very good at disguising things. She is undergoing serious testing and is so far baffling her doctors. Please pray/think of her well-being as well.
My entire family is like one ongoing episode of House, only with no commercial interruption. If you would like to sponsor our show, we currently have a few slots available during prime time.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
1:05 PM
Labels: Family
My little sis' is in the hospital, she is very sick. For anyone who may have stopped by today, I ask for your prayers for her. And if prayer is not your thing, please send her your warm thoughts and healing wishes. Thank you.
Posted by
Sharon Matthew
11:20 AM
Labels: Family